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Welcome to ChurchOfSpiritualLight.org ...

Church of Spiritual Light is an all faith, interfaith, spiritual community...an emergent New Earth Church. Our mission is to provide a place where people who wish to truly connect with the divinity within themselves, within others and All That Is can gather together and celebrate the sacredness of life through pure spiritual connection, meditation, reflection, ritual, prayer and song, embracing and entering into the Mystery.

Our Sunday Service is not church as usual. We embrace the differences in religions as part of a bigger picture and a greater whole, going beyond mere tolerance into an all inclusivity that will surely test the power of love, non-judgment and acceptance of the spiritual emergence of the soul. Our Sunday service, open to all, is a joyful, fun, inspiring, sacred, healing and empowering ceremony, a truly unique immersive experience for nurturing the Soul and honoring Body, Mind and Spirit. Please join us as we celebrate each Sunday morning beginning with a 30 minute music meditation journey at 9:45 am. We are located at 1939 Park Meadows Drive, #1, Fort Myers, FL 33907. We look forward to gathering and connecting with you! All are welcome. Click here to read more about Church of Spiritual Light.

Church of Spiritual Light also offers to the community over 50+ classes, special events, meditations, ceremonies and workshops per month, that are designed to empower, enlighten and enrich your life through the power of tribal community, energy medicine and bio-psycho-social-spiritual care through the People Shine Project.

I am conscious of living with the divine. I need go nowhere special to access spiritual light and wisdom, to experience eternity. Each moment of my day is alive with spiritual energy because the particles carrying that energy are present in all that lives. Whether or not I am aware of it, this truth still exists. If I wish to grow and learn spiritual lessons, I will start by paying attention to my thoughts, my feelings, my environment, the circumstances of my life and the state of my personal relationships..

My temple of worship is within me. And as I grow in this awareness, I recognize that I am surrounded by many other expressions of the divine. I realize I am not alone, have not been alone and can never be alone. And this knowledge impels me to come into holy, sacred conscious contact with my community, to celebrate the body, mind, heart and soul of humanity and this creation.

"Normal life is compatible with supreme realization and ... direct mystical contact with the Divine and can be sustained in any setting or activity. This is a revolution, for it dissolves all dogmas and hierarchies, all separations between ordinary and spiritual life, sacred and profane, humdrum and mystical. A new spiritual age has dawned for humankind, an age in which the Divine will be present intimately, normally, consciously in all things and activities."
                                                                                          ~ Andrew Harvey

We are so excited to be able to share Church of Spiritual Light with you in person and online! Our physical church is very intimate with only 24 chairs. We like it that way. But we have always known that over the last 17 years (since 2008) that a great deal of people were connected to our space. Not only on the soul channel, but we get lots of seasonal visitors from out of state. So we have made a home for ourselves online through the Patreon platform. Our Patreon is the expansion of our outreach and our intention is to keep you in the loop. While we will not be livestreaming our Sunday Service, we've put together a whole lot of bonus content, that we hope you will find valuable, to help us stay connected.

My talks are really geared for the ears that are hearing them, and previously we could go deep into that as our gatherings are smaller. So our online community is really scratching an itch to reach out to those who want to stay more connected to our combined New Earth and Ageless Wisdom Teachings, as well as help support our work. We post our Sunday Playlists so that you can meditate right along with us on Sunday morning, as well as the new Energy Report each month and the accompanying Affirmations.

We also frequently post Addiction Alchemy Inner Compass Readings to give some insight into your current dynamics, and share our Glimmer Maps.There are articles and booknotes from the books that I am writing, "The Metaphysics of Recovery", "Addiction Alchemy", "Becoming the Tracker", and " Humanity: The New Messiah". There are also Soul SparkNotes, available exclusively on our Patreon, which are 5 -10 minute little intuitive gems, to help you remember who you really are.

We didn't want anyone to be left out, so ALL content is available to ALL patrons, no matter what tier you sign up for. Just pay what you can on our sliding scale, starting at just $5 per month. All funds directly support the outreach of Church of Spiritual Light through our programs, Addiction Alchemy, People Shine Project and Blue Star Monastary, as well as our Pay It Forward fund.

We hope you will find value in our offerings, and look forward to traveling with you.

Many blessings and much love,
Rev. Renee Bledsoe

Head on over to check it out at www.patreon.com/cosl

Visit People Shine Holistic Fair Booking to RSVP online

Click to Visit our Global Altar

FEBRUARY 2025: Abundance of Love
“You are truly wealthy when you have something that money cannot buy." - Unknown

Many think only of money when pondering abundance and prosperity. But few would disagree that the first abundance is love. But what do most of us really know of the true nature of love? Many have spent a lifetime learning what love is not. Now the challenge is on to really take ourselves individually, and as a whole to the next levels of love. Our poverty will not uplift, enrich, support or create life. But our poverty observed has the potential to enlighten and teach us, and help us transcend belief systems surrounding lack and limitation, and allow ourselves to receive and create a life of true abundance, filled with love and blessings of all things needful.

Life in abundance comes only through great love.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Sunday Talks with Rev. Renee Bledsoe
Feb 2 - Abundance of Love
Feb 9 - The Dance of Yin & Yang
Feb 16 - Your Soul is your Super Power
Feb 23 - Prosperity Consciousness

Click here for the full story and the February Affirmations

We have 40+ recorded SUNDAY SERVICE videos which are available FROM OUR FACEBOOK PAGE. Click here to access our page.

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Special Upcoming Events & New Classes       Click for Online Calendar

Send Inquiries to reneebledsoe@gmail.com or 239-560-6314
 Check our calendar for dates.

 Monthly Holistic Fair Every First Saturday of the month

Weekly & Monthly Classes and Events                 Click for O

Monthly Inner Journey Gathering is the 1st & 3rd Sunday's - Must RSVP Click for info

MONDAY - see calendar

TUESDAY - see calendar


WEDNESDAY - see calendar

THURSDAY - see calendar

Every Thursday's 7pm $20



Thank You for supporting our services to our community.

Sunday Service
Service begins with a 30 minute music meditation

Rev. Renee Bledsoe

Rev. Maribel Figueroa

1939 Park Meadows Dr., #1
Fort Myers, Florida
Map & Directions

A Community Alliance for
Holistic Self Care

See All Events




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COSL Gift Shop
Get inspired and Have fun!
(Proceeds support our community)



We envision a future where everybody understands how essential it is to be connected to the earth in order to restore and maintain health.

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(Cosl Affiliate Link)


Ask about how you can get involved! Call 239-560-6314


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